The Family Recovery Program, Inc. Graduation Ceremony
It is that time of year to celebrate a milestone in the lives of our clients. On Friday, June 11, 2021, we celebrated 6 graduates that completed our intensive program which provided them the opportunity to gain valuable skills that will help them in the care of their families. Our Graduates have been successful in completing parenting programs, housing stability, and have managed testing negative for their drug tests for the duration of their time at FRP. What an accomplishment! We were honored to have a representative from Councilman Antonio Glover’s office to deliver an inspiring message to our graduates, Mr. Jamaal Simpson. In addition to our many guests, it is always a pleasure to have the Honorable Judge Robert B. Kershaw, of the Baltimore City Circuit Court, Juvenile Division. We are so proud of our graduates of this quarter, and we are looking forward to seeing them thrive and lead successful lives for themselves and their families. Congratulations Graduates!
Danielle Mason, Genesis Program
Jessica Crouse, Milestones Program
Stevie Neighoff, Milestones Program- Soldier of Sobriety
Jessica Magill, Horizon Program – Soldier of Sobriety
Shanesha Anderson, Horizon Program – Soldier of Sobriety
Jennifer Surland, Horizon Program – Soldier of Sobriety
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