The program seeks to:
- Provide immediate, intensive substance use disorder supportive services.
- Help Baltimore City Department of Social Services (DSS) make good decisions about reuniting parents and children, or finding a new permanent home for children.
- Reduce the time a child stays in foster care due to a parent’s substance use disorder.
- Save costs for the state of Maryland by reducing time in foster care.

The vision of FRP is as follows:
To be the national leader providing family strengthening opportunities to individuals and organizations.
Mission Statement
At FRP, we “S.E.E. our families.”
Strengthen. Engage. and Equip.
- We strengthen families affected by trauma, substance use, and behavioral health conditions.
- We engage families in a diverse array of holistic services.
- We equip families with the necessary trauma-informed skills for resilience in order to live a self-directed life.
An independent evaluation by NPC Research compared results and costs for parents who received FRP services to families who did not. The results are remarkable. Read more about them here. The bottom line is that FRP cases are less costly to the child welfare system – more than $5,000 in savings per year per family — and more successful in reuniting families at a faster rate than non-FRP parents.
This nationally recognized program provides parents with services and refers parents to appropriate substance treatment. FRP provides the following supportive services:
- Intensive Case Management
- Immediate Referrals to Substance Use Disorder Treatment
- Onsite and offsite Mental Health Care
- Onsite Drug Testing
- Parent Compliance Incentives
- Onsite Circle of Security Parenting Class
- Transportation assistance
- Transitional Housing referrals
- Parent Mentors
- Peer Support
- Holistic Support Groups
- Indentification Assistance
- Connective Community Resources
- Onsite Family Engagement Activities
- An array of other services
Families Reunified
Treatment Completions
Additional Treatment

More Treatment Completion
64 percent of FRP parents completed substance use disorder treatment, compared to 36 percent of non-FRP parents.

Less Foster Care
On average, children in families served by FRP spent 252 days in non-kinship foster care as compared to 346 days for children in non-FRP served families.

More Time in Treatment
On average, FRP parents spent 138 days in treatment; non-FRP parents spent 82 days in treatment.

Reduced Cost to the Child Welfare System
Because FRP families utilized less foster care and were more likely to achieve reunification, FRP cases were less costly to the child welfare system. The total net cost savings per year of Baltimore City FRP operations was nearly $1,004,456 or approximately $5,022 per served family.

Greater Reunification
FRP families were 1.5 times more likely to be reunited than non-FRP families: 70 percent of FRP families achieved reunification compared to 45 percent of non-FRP families.
The Family Recovery Program’s Core Values
At FRP, we are committed to making the world a better place starting with Baltimore City. We commit ourselves to ensuring that our families and staff are supported.
At FRP we believe balance is essential. In order for our community to thrive, home has to come first. We provide our families and staff the tools needed to create a strong foundation.
At FRP we pride ourselves on what makes us different. We believe that everyone no matter their race, gender, or sexual orientation deserves to feel valued.
At FRP we take seriously our responsibility to advocate for unity and equality for all.
At FRP we believe that being understanding and showing empathy allows us to hold staff and our families accountable while encouraging positive change and progress.
At FRP we believe in demonstrating honesty and sincerity when interacting with others.
At FRP we believe in demonstrating concern for the growth and development of our families and staff. We are engaged in educating everyone on how to become better versions of themselves.
At FRP we believe in supporting the worth and dignity of all parents and families regardless of background, abilities, or beliefs.
Awards and Honors
In our 19+ years of operating we’ve been fortunate to receive a variety of awards and honors.
September 2016
National Peer Learning Court Award
September 2016
National Peer Learning Court Award
September 2016
National Peer Learning Court Award