Earth Day with BGE 2023
In celebration of Earth day, FRP partnered with BGE to beautify the grounds of our transitional housing program “The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Building at Sage Center on Tuesday April 25th. The sun met us early in the afternoon as the BGE volunteers began arriving, ready to work. The goal of the day was to beautify the grounds by adding layers of mulch on our two playgrounds and planting new plants in our flowerpots. We are also able to partner with Baltimore Community Tool bank who provided rakes, wheelbarrows, and other gardening items that we needed. The team of 25 volunteers worked diligently and renewed our space so that our families would have more enjoyment looking at their home. We appreciate the support that we received from every BGE team member, and we love our new back yard. This act of kindness truly warms our hearts!.

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